

Europe's largest conversation

The Original Social Network

Exchange ideas. Debate views. Ask questions. Find solutions.

Threaded Conversations


CIX is the heart of conversations on the internet. A conversation should be natural - it should flow from one comment to the next, encouraging debate and chatter. Threaded conversations do just that. By linking a comment to a comment, to a post, you can track the conversation, and never miss a beat.

Intelligent Conversations


When you start a conversation on CIX, you'll be part of an expert community debating and engaging on everything from football scores, to foreign affairs, to how to bake a Victoria sponge. There's no character limit, and conversations develop, with twists and tangents forming a new debate in their own right. Experts and enthusiasts alike will contribute with their own thoughts to the most intelligent conversation the web has ever seen.



Indulge all your passions with multiple conversations on CIX. There is no end to the conversations you can start on whatever topic you like. Join an existing conversation or begin your own and start talking.


What is CIX Forums?
What is Forums?

CIX Forums is Europe's premier, and longest running, online source of high quality discussion populated by many thousands of people, and is used up and down the land by political parties, journalists, professionals and individuals alike to exchange ideas, debate views, catch up with friends and be informed of current affairs. If you have a question and you can't find the answer on a popular search engine - or simply wish to exchange a view - then CIX will have a Forum for you.

How Does It Work?
How Does It Work?

CIX is made up of thousands of different 'Forums', which are similar to forums, whilst covering every subject imaginable. Each Forum is managed by moderators. They can manage the topics within the Forum, add new participants, promote participants to moderators, and can even remove inappropriate messages and decide the general direction each Forum and topic takes.

Public or Closed
Public or Closed

CIX participants can even create their own Forum if they feel a particular subject ought to be discussed. Unlike current forms of social networking, however, the Forum can be closed or even confidential so it is not available for public view. This is ideal for a business or organisation wishing to discuss new ideas in a secure and confidential environment.

How to Access CIX
How to Access CIX

CIX can be accessed in two ways: online via a web browser or offline through CIXReader. If you think of Online access as similar to reading your email via webmail and offline access as being like reading your email through your own mail client, then you will understand how accessing CIX works.

Featured Forums
Featured Forums

There are numerous very popular Forums on CIX where thousands of participating members exchange hundreds of messages a day. CIX is known for providing a spam-free and intelligent environment, unmatched by many of the fad-driven social networking sites that so many people join - and most quickly leave.

Technical Forums
Technical Forums

CIX thrives on technical Forums and these are the heart of the system. Many IT experts exchange information and help on CIX, covering all types of products and problems. The linux Forum covers topics for beginners and advanced users.

Sales Forums – earn money from CIX
Sales Forums - earn money from CIX

Unlike many auction sites, the auction Forum provides participants with the ability to buy and to sell items without any additional fees being paid. The vendor Forum allows approved IT companies to advertise freely, whilst participants can request quotes from vendors for their own hardware or software purchases.

Social Forums
Social Forums

At the heart of CIX is the community aspect of Forums. Getting to know one's fellow "cixen" is one of the major rewards of being part of one of the world's oldest online community. Many lasting friendships and business relationships have been forged in CIX's extensive range of social Forums over the years.

Thousands of Forums
Thousands of Forums

Aside from the social, sales and technical Forums, several Forums exist to discuss a broader range of subjects. There are around 6,000 open Forums available on the system.